Find employment and break down barriers to getting a stable job! Our Career Coaches can help you find a job that is right for you.
We are partnering with an increasing number of area employers who are in need of help and eager to hire. Our bilingual career coaches can:
Work with you to identify your interests and strengths, and find jobs that could be a good fit for you.
Help you identify and overcome any barriers you’re facing in getting hired.
Refer you to training that can help you get the job you want, from English as a Second Language (ESOL) to nursing or vocational training. We also have a fund that can help pay for training if you are working with one of our career or financial coaches.
Help you create, edit, or build your resume to appeal to employers.
Assist you in finding and searching websites where employers post jobs, and help you apply online or otherwise.
Prepare you for job interviews.
Help you negotiate a job offer, including salary, schedules, and benefits.
Provide you with post-employment support if you run into any issues.

“I feel like I have some great opportunities to look forward to. I feel like at least now I have options for myself and my children.”
–Sophia Juma, PACMAN Graduate
Job Search Fund
If you are working with one of our coaches, you may be eligible for our Job Search Fund.
The Job Search Fund can help with:
Paying for job training
Buying a computer if you don’t have one and need it to job hunt
Paying for the cost of transportation to training or to job interviews
Paying for childcare if you need it during training or job interviews
Translating your degree from your home country so that US employers will understand it
Covering other expenses associated with landing a job or training to help you get a job