Reports & financials
2025-2029 Strategic Plan
TND’s 2025-2029 goals reflect a strategic shift in response to the housing crisis, rising displacement pressures, and our deepening commitment to housing justice, economic mobility, and health equity. By building more homes, mobilizing community voices, and expanding opportunities, we aim to create a more just and equitable future.
2023 Impact Report: Women of Impact Building Our Future
2022 Impact Report: Build Homes, Raise Voices, Connect to Resources
2021 Impact Report: Stepping Up, Speaking Out
2020 Impact Report: Building Homes, Restoring Hope
2019 Impact Report: The Value of Home
Financial information
Donations made to TND fuel economic justice and health equity within the neighborhoods of Chelsea, Revere, and Everett. We also generate revenue through our real estate activities that we reinvest into our communities as more homes and programming.
Our finances are audited annually. Independent reviews conducted every three years by NeighborWorks America confirm that our financial ratios are strong, and that the agency is in a solid financial position.